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Showing posts from October, 2019

Emergency Inside - San Mateo Consolidated Fire - Belmont (CA)

Emergency Inside - San Mateo Consolidated Fire Department (CA) - Belmont St. 14 E14 on scene The following is a summary of responses to interview questions regarding the department Interviewee: Ryan Baudoin General Information San Mateo Consolidated Fire Department website: Currently, SMC Fire has 160 employees and  SMC Fire serves the cities of Belmont, San Mateo, and Foster City . The three cities became an official consolidated department in January of 2019 Note: This interview focuses on Station 14, an SMC fire station in Belmont (the term SMC Belmont refers to the Belmont "branch" of SMC fire). The information presented in this interview does not represent the entirety of the SMC fire department. The exterior of Station 14 1) What is the most common call for SMC Belmont? Any special calls unique to SMC Belmont?     - Medical calls compose the majority of calls (~80% of total call volume)         -> All